Thursday 19 September 2024 16:41:24 PHT

Matabao Beach Resort

Add your own review of Matabao Beach Resort.

Average Visitor Rating

This is how 1 visitors rated Matabao Beach Resort:

Feature Visitor Rating Number of Ratings
Booking:Good 1
Arrival:Good 1
Location:Good 1
Room:Average 1
Facilities:Average 1
Service:Good 1
Staff:Good 1
Cleanliness:Average 1
Restaurant:Average 1
Food:Good 1
Price:Good 1
Overall:Good 1

Please note that these ratings are based on reviews made by self-selected visitors of this site.

What visitors say...

One review found.

Jefory Flores | Wednesday, 27 June 2012 | Rating: Good

Nice, quaint and very provincial. Staff was very nice, friendly and felt very much like home setting. Too bad the beach wasn't sandy .... more rocky than anything. But a short boat ride the sand bar makes up for it! They have a boat that can take you there!! ALSO... this place is surrounded by beautiful flowers and orchids !