Thursday 19 September 2024 16:41:34 PHT


Add your own review of JCR Inn.

Average Visitor Rating

This is how 1 visitors rated JCR Inn:

Feature Visitor Rating Number of Ratings
Booking:Good 1
Arrival:Good 1
Location:Good 1
Room:Good 1
Facilities:Good 1
Service:Good 1
Staff:Good 1
Cleanliness:Excellent 1
Restaurant:Good 1
Food:Good 1
Price:Excellent 1
Overall:Good 1

Please note that these ratings are based on reviews made by self-selected visitors of this site.

What visitors say...

One review found.

Goran Johansson alias gorancicero | Sunday, 15 March 2009 | Rating: Good

Very nice room, quite newbuild with AC and bathroom inside for a relatively low price 550 php/ 24 hours in comparision with Cebu pension prices. I recommend this pension. They even serve continental breakfast and other dishes with good quality.