Thursday 19 September 2024 16:41:07 PHT

Le Pensione De San Jose

Add your own review of Le Pensione De San Jose.

Average Visitor Rating

This is how 2 visitors rated Le Pensione De San Jose:

Feature Visitor Rating Number of Ratings
Booking:Excellent 2
Arrival:Good 2
Location:Good 2
Room:Good 2
Facilities:Average 2
Service:Excellent 2
Staff:Excellent 2
Cleanliness:Good 2
Restaurant:Average 1
Food:Average 1
Price:Excellent 2
Overall:Excellent 2

Please note that these ratings are based on reviews made by self-selected visitors of this site.

What visitors say...

2 reviews found.

Ice Pajarillaga | Sunday, 16 October 2011 | Rating: Good

Highly recommended The staff are all very accomodating, helpful and friendly. The rooms are very decent. My friends and i are very satisfied and enjoyed our stay.

Ice Pajarillaga | Tuesday, 23 August 2011 | Rating: Excellent

Highly recommendable... very quiet place, decent for the price you'll price, lowest price we've seen.The staffs are all very friendly and accomodating. The place is clean,wifi on lobby is working.Made us feel at home :) We didnt try to order at their restaurant but they allowed us to have foods from fast food chains delivered to us :)