Wednesday 18 September 2024 07:11:24 PHT


On Bohol, you will be surrounded by animals, mostly domestic. But Bohol is also home to the tiny tarsier, one of the worlds smallest primates.

137 pictures found; pictures 81 to 100 are shown.

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Kagwang or Philippine Flying Lemur
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Kagwang or Philippine Flying Lemur
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Kanding or Goat
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King fisher
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Large Python
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Lito Pizarras
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Native Pig
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Ornate Flying Snake
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Philippine Braminy Kite
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Philippine Frogmouth
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Philippine Frogmouth Nest
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Philippine Frogmouth with chick
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Philippine Frogmouth with chick
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Philippine Rufous Night-Heron
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Philippine Tarictic Hornbill
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Philippine Tarsier
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Philippine Tarsier