Tuesday 17 September 2024 09:51:01 PHT

Reader Comments on 'International Joint Venture investigates Wind Farm in Candijay'

An international joint venture, Cammon Windsolar Energy Inc., investigates the possibilities of a wind farm in Candijay, Bohol, and 35 other locations all over the Philippines. The site selected is located in the Municipalities of Candijay and Guindulman. Now with update.

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romy luzano fuentes wrote:
Thursday, 31 March 2022 17:14:29 PHT
As a retiree of National Power Corporation, I am a free- lance consultant power generation projects. I have access to locally registered renewable energy companies who are actually engaged in power generation projects. I am interested to bridge your company to my local contact who may be interested on your proposed wind farm at Bohol.
Timgultia wrote:
Tuesday, 28 May 2013 00:59:01 PHT
I really appreciate if this project will be realized because may be it can solve the scarcity of energy in the province and i know pretty well that using wind mill means cheaper.
Ryan wrote:
Thursday, 11 August 2011 07:43:53 PHT
Here is a better alternative. Check out this site: http://www.windtronics.com/home
Sic_valdez wrote:
Monday, 27 September 2010 16:28:29 PHT
Danish wind mill technology is a little expensive. There are available alternatives, such as the ones produced by China. A 2 MW wind turbine built by Haizhuang Windpower Equipment Co, cost around 12 million RMB, a 2 MW wind farm cost around 20 million RMB (1 RMB = 6.75 PhP). You do the math!
Aga wrote:
Thursday, 29 July 2010 18:55:13 PHT
I really think that windmills are potential in bohol as a sustainable supply of electric power, moreover, it's nature friendly.....i hopr that this would happen in not long time....i'm waiting...i mean...we're waiting....
Ranell wrote:
Friday, 26 February 2010 09:28:48 PHT
There are many small wind turbines available in the market and would be a good fit in Calape, Bohol. However, the trick with non-grid connected wind turbines is harnessing the electricity. You would need a battery to store the energy made from the Wind energy. A great way to be self sufficient and a clean renewable energy free living.
Helen wrote:
Saturday, 7 November 2009 22:18:36 PHT
Hi, I have a question. Is there any way a mini turbine be installed in my yard facing the ocean for my own electricity consumption? If its possible, I would like to learn about it. By the way, I live in Calape, Bohol. Thanks and best regards. Helen
Helen wrote:
Saturday, 7 November 2009 12:00:14 PHT
Hi, I have a question. Can a mini turbine be installed in my yard to supply electricity to my house? I live in a small island in Calape, Bohol. If it is possible, I would like to learn about it. Thanks.
Pat Williams wrote:
Friday, 20 February 2009 17:12:42 PHT
I enjoyed your site.
Macky wrote:
Monday, 22 October 2007 18:41:38 PHT
This is a good project for the gov't. to undertake...instead of wasting the tax payers money into useless projects and infrastructures...this project will definetly give justice to tax payers money...thank you for initiating this kind of projects....
Archie Chavez Jr. wrote:
Monday, 14 May 2007 15:04:20 PHT
This a very awesome project. I am very proud of the people who mastermind in this project being a boholano residing in Florida is just I felt exciting to see this website erected those spinning wind mill. Am very grateful also to the people who choose bohol to invest this project as i felt bohol is moving forward to a very promising future to see great innovations. Certainly i am hundred percent support this project. God Bless you all.
JD wrote:
Tuesday, 24 April 2007 16:04:24 PHT
I hope this project pushes through. But this will only happen if we have local government officials pushing for it too. I have seen the first windfarm in Southeast Asia (not just the Philippines) located in Bangui Bay in Ilocos Norte (North Luzon). If I'm not mistaken, it provides 40megawatts to the area. It's a sight to behold as well. Tourists (like me) actually go there just to behold the awesome huge turbines. In effect, it has also become a tourist attraction.
Zel wrote:
Tuesday, 17 April 2007 05:16:09 PHT
With the widespread concerns of global warming nowadays, and issue of continue rising of oils prices, windmills are a great thing and I think this project should be realized in Bohol, and other parts of the Philippines. its very friendly to the environment and its great to utilize an existing natural resource that is always there (the wind).
Tim Forman wrote:
Friday, 13 April 2007 06:14:23 PHT
Very positive information and wind power should definitely be utilized. Any non-fossil fuel energy source needs to be invested in. The pressure on government officials to invest in this technology needs to be greater than the pressure to keep things as they are in the interest of short term profit-making. Oil companies and petroleum refiners are not going to be happy about losing sales in the Philippines.
Dencio Isungga wrote:
Thursday, 8 September 2005 11:38:06 PHT
At long last we are starting to tap what we have alot in our country. Thanks to you guys. I know you also consider to tap solar energy which is also very abundant. I just saw on TV the small wind turbines to power atleast lamposts. Please have a program for home/personal use. Salamat po & mabuhay kayo!
Jake E. Hofileņa wrote:
Tuesday, 2 August 2005 16:20:45 PHT
Great project! i think there should be more projects like this. i'd like to ask whether there are plans to construct a wind farm in negros occidental. if there are, i totally support the project. hopefully, there will be political support for such a project in my province. more power to you guys. keep up the good work.
Mark wrote:
Sunday, 26 June 2005 07:22:05 PHT
It's environmentally great and with the energy price cpontinually increases...Is there a program for backyard wind farm?I have read that in some countries they can build their own wind drive turbines in their community.Will that be possible here in our country?
Friday, 24 June 2005 21:13:48 PHT
Deeply impressed. I am an executive engineer with ONGC-INDIA,doing Masters in Management at AIM. Will be happy if I am of any help.
Marie-Pier Abel wrote:
Thursday, 17 March 2005 09:06:36 PHT
We needed this wake up call in what concerns electricity. Lets use this technology to prevent useless polution.
A Madrazo wrote:
Wednesday, 17 November 2004 13:59:41 PHT
PLEASE do this, we need it here desparately. in Naga near Cebu the Korean investor is looking to build yet another DINOSAUR power plant running off COAL of all smokey things in an already polluted to death air environment. Cebu's low mountain peaks are great for wind power as they're good for nothing else but a nice view. We're already planning to solarize and pneumatize a small island nearby for our own development in the next 5 years.
Benedict wrote:
Wednesday, 10 November 2004 15:57:18 PHT
This article very interesting considering the very volatile price of oil. and this technology is environmental friendly.
Chris wrote:
Saturday, 21 August 2004 16:51:26 PHT
Thats a very good article. I hope that it will come through for Bohol.

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