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Reader Comments on 'Pinakbet'

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Ian Randolf Alas Cayona wrote:
Saturday, 21 June 2014 23:38:35 PHT
Thank you for sharing these recipes to me because it helps a lot to me since I am an HRM student. And I hope you will help me to find out the specialty dish of Boholanos since I was assigned to cook a best Boholano dish. Thank you, God Bless and Keep it up.. :-)
Linda wrote:
Monday, 24 September 2007 17:33:22 PHT
Ate Lyn, I tried this recipe and I love it. I wanna ask more recipe particularly vegetables. Thank you!
Lyn Younger wrote:
Wednesday, 5 October 2005 01:42:52 PHT
My husband was born in Manila. I was born in California so I have tried to learn to cook various dishes for him as he very much likes "down home" foods. I was looking for various recipes to try and I will definitely try this pinakbet without the bagoong. Thank you.
Lei wrote:
Saturday, 16 April 2005 10:10:39 PHT
This is not about pinakbet but I am looking for a recipe on how to cook "balbacua". Can you help me? Thanks a lot!
Belle wrote:
Sunday, 25 July 2004 13:33:15 PHT
Hi, I haven't trie my name is Bella I am married to a Filipino- Ameri making penakbet yet but my husbands likes it but without salted shrimp. i want to cook some filipino dishes like kare-kare.what are the ingredients and how to make the kare-kare.
Lyn wrote:
Wednesday, 12 March 2003 06:10:41 PHT
Rodelyn, as far as I know pinakbet has as ingredients bagoong small shrimps, so I will try it later. I just wanna say thank you so much for sharing to all and I want to share it to others as well. To my family and friends, I write all the ingredients in my recipe notebook. Thanks as always.

You are right pinakbet is always with bagoong. But for those who don’t want to mix with bagoong, you can use meat instead, or just plane vegetarian.--Rodelyn

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