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Reader Comments on 'A Visit to the Philippine Tarsier'

With its huge eyes, long tail, and hands and feet that must have inspired Steven Spielberg when he created E.T., the Philippine tarsier is almost Bohol's trademark. Still, few people have had the opportunity to have a close encounter with it...

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Tintin the traveller wrote:
Thursday, 30 September 2010 19:10:16 PHT
Thanks for the tip - lookign at your page, I went to visit the sanctuary near Corella last week. It was fantastic! felt natural since it was in the forest, they were not tied or caged, and we had to search for them and spot them. And of course, animals in captivity always look horrible and sad - even if it is the Singapore zoo. We saw four in all, including 2 up close and personal (who after a while turned their heads away from us and slept - a sign that it was time for us to move on!) Highly recommend a trip here. We were shown around by the brother of the "Tarsier man". And a note to every one else - including the person above who innocently touched it.... Please do not touch them (Yes - I know they look cute and it is hard to resist... actually it is easy to resist once you remind yourself that you are killing it by touching it) - Tarsiers get extremely agonised by human contact (even if they do not conventionally express it) - that is the reason why they die so soon in captivity.
Henry Caseres wrote:
Friday, 19 June 2009 16:46:21 PHT
The tarsier looks so cute. I haven't seen one in real life. I wish I could visit Bohol one day and see this wonderful creature before it can go extinct. My officemate said that it can be contained with just one palm. Is that really how small it is? It's incredible.
jose dennis flores wrote:
Tuesday, 24 February 2009 23:41:50 PHT
I have been visiting Bohol for quite many times already. the only place i got to see the tarsier was at loboc and i was quite frustrated seeing that they are not treated as naturally as possible. Anyways, i am visiting bohol again with some friends and family. i hope to visit your tarsier reserve. i know its just along the route i take when i visit my grandmother in balilihan passing by corella. I am wondering as to how much do you charge for a drop in very short day tour. thank you very much
Anna, Philippines wrote:
Thursday, 16 October 2008 18:54:22 PHT
I really adore the tarsiers, but I really felt bad after seeing them. They are MISERABLE, HELPLESS. For crying out loud, the government and the agencies that are "supposed" to take care of them are not doing their job. They are compromising the life span of these tarsiers for the money (Php 50.00 per visit). The tourist are all stubborn. You are not supposed to TOUCH and have flash while taking pictures, but many people still do. Its horrible.

Are you referring to the center in Corella, or the cages along Loboc River?--Jeroen.

Rev. Bernie and Terry Siebers wrote:
Thursday, 2 October 2008 19:58:49 PHT
Was able to visit and hold the soft little creatures. They are very soft, seem gentle and loving. We took many pictures which will be E-mailed all over the world. We visited them on the way to the Loboc floating restaurant. We had a wonderful time and plan to return to Bohol again as soon as we can. The floating restaurant was a surprise gift from my wife. We were celebrating our 9th. Anniversary. ( 9 months )
Jame wrote:
Friday, 30 May 2008 03:07:18 PHT
great article
Peter, Hong Kong wrote:
Tuesday, 25 March 2008 09:56:51 PHT
What an amazing animal! However, in Bohol Island (and I'm sure it happens in other places too), the locals walk around with tarsiers and allow tourists to play with them for a few dollars. PLEASE do not give money to these people. This is cruel abuse of these shy nocturnal animals. I can't believe when I see tourists who appently care for these animals and then pay to play with them??!! Rather encourage these locals to put these animals back in the wild or give them to the sanctuary where the tarsiers can live a more normal live than to be a show piece. Thanks!
Cathy Uyede wrote:
Thursday, 21 February 2008 03:21:38 PHT
I was one of the tourists in Bohol, and enjoyed my recent visit to the Philippines (Feb11, 2008.) We dined at the Floating Restaurant in Loboc River,while Bohol has amazing bio diversity, all visitors to the island want to see the fascinating lil' "Tarsiers"- one of the world's smallest primates, the Philippines tarsier is actually so small; it can fit on a child's palm, (although we are not suppose to touch the tarsiers and taking pictures with the use of flash can blind the primates! Tourists are so famous of being ignorant like myself. I used flash for be able to have a good pictures, but regret it later on that we (Humans are not respecting these little creatures. Since the Tarsiers is protected species, we have to follow and obey the rules! Let's ACT NOW AND PROTECT THESE AMAZING SPECIES! Thank you very much, Cathy Uyede, from Abbotsford British Columbia, CANADA
Royce wrote:
Tuesday, 6 November 2007 08:20:32 PHT
I red the article..ahm.. I wish theres some more information about tarsiers, coz im doing a research paper about that. But its not enough for five pages...
Lili wrote:
Saturday, 15 September 2007 11:07:30 PHT
I have just returned from a vacation in the Philippines where one of the stops was Bohol. There I was able to see and touch the Tarsiers at the little place by the Loboc river where the floating restaurants are. It was a really fun experience to be able to get close and touch the Tarsiers and take pictures. So imagine my dismay when I returned to the States and read up on Tarsiers, to find out that touching, photographing and basically bothering them at daylight was detrimental to their well being and actually shortens their lifespan considerably.

According to this website, the Tarsier sanctuary is the only place that displays the Tarsiers legally but advertising for the sanctuary seems grossly insufficient. Whoever is in charge of tourism for Bohol needs to establish a partnership with tour operators to ensure that unknowing tourists are routed to the right place where they can be properly educated and informed about the Tarsiers and where Tarsiers are showcased in a responsible manner.

In addition, part of preservation should be to provide oversight of operators showcasing Tarsiers in an inhumane manner right in the Sanctuaries' own backyard. If I had not read up about the Tarsiers I would never have known that the way they were displayed at Loboc was illegal and inhumane. How many tourists like myself have been taken to this Loboc site by tour operators and have unwittingly contributed to the early demise of these adorable creatures?

I hope if you read this you would follow up on it and ensure that tour packages that feature a visit to the Tarsiers will lead tourists to the Sanctuary instead of the Loboc and other illegal sites.

Thank you very much.

Bridget wrote:
Friday, 20 April 2007 19:54:43 PHT
I am hoping to study tarsiers for my dissertation as part of my degree in Animal Management in the UK, and would be interested in working to help conserve these wonderful animals, even voluntary work. I emailed the address in the article but the message failed to deliver. Could you give me a current email address for the Foundation, or help as to how I can go about contacting them? Thanks, Bridget
Pam wrote:
Friday, 30 June 2006 22:06:42 PHT
I found this animal by mistake today. I have never heard or seem this animal before but I found it to beyond amazing! It is a shame that people will see such an amazing creature and want to capture it and keep it as a pet knowing that it will not live. I think that if the creature is happy and living out in the wild we need to leave it along. Humans have done NOTHING but destroy our beautiful plant and the amazing animals on it by being selfish!
Cherry wrote:
Tuesday, 21 March 2006 07:31:05 PHT
Just wondering where place in Bohol, or in Leyte Mindanao are selling this kind of cute tarsiers? My question is, are they selling it?

Since the Tarsier is a protected species, selling it is illegal. If you notice somebody offering them for sale, please report them to the DENR (and this website). Note that these animals are not pets, and will die very quickly when held in captivity. In nature they can take care of themselves, but the stress of a cage is too much for them.--Jeroen.

Paula wrote:
Monday, 28 November 2005 06:03:10 PHT
I accidentally found an image of a Bohol tarsier on the internet and think they are the most amazing creatures in the world! If only I could take care of one as a pet!! I live in Scotland so I don't think they would appreciate the cold weather. This site is very informative and interesting and I will re-visit it. Awww! They're SO cute!
Justin Candelario wrote:
Friday, 23 September 2005 19:06:32 PHT
This is nice but you should also include the prey of Tarsiers and how they hunt.
Victoria wrote:
Saturday, 17 September 2005 10:09:37 PHT
I am doing a projest on the Phinippine Tarsier and I just wanted to tell you that this site was very helpful. Oh and Mr.Lito you have just earned a spot on my project. G2G.Bye!
Moriah wrote:
Tuesday, 7 June 2005 07:45:57 PHT
I want to hold one some day. I go to the Philippines every year. I love the philippines. I have live there befor, my mom has lived there all her life. but now we live in the US. SEEEE YAAA!! Thanks alot. :)
Joey wrote:
Thursday, 21 April 2005 02:01:53 PHT
This is the site i've ever been on
Sarah wrote:
Thursday, 21 April 2005 01:59:32 PHT
Hiiiiiiiii I love this is very helpful to me! BYE
Aaron wrote:
Monday, 7 March 2005 21:50:04 PHT
this article has some great information and pictures
Camellia wrote:
Tuesday, 22 February 2005 01:13:03 PHT
Tarsiers are the cutes thing I am doing a rerserch project on it and i wanted to know how long it lives i want you to send me pictures of tarsiers plaese i love those little things.
Amers wrote:
Friday, 21 January 2005 00:01:20 PHT
your site is really helpfull on my school project thanks!!!!!
Philippine chick 27 wrote:
Saturday, 15 January 2005 00:08:36 PHT
Omg i love Philippine tarsiers! i cant stop thinking about them. i even had a dream that i married one last night! it was so rad! omg i hope that they never go extinct because i would just have to cry! omg bye!
Ashley wrote:
Monday, 13 December 2004 11:27:48 PHT
I really like this article. It explains tarsiers in an easy to understand way. I have unusually large pupils in my eyes and people are always saying "you have big eyes", so I chose the tarsier to be my personal mascot because of his large eyes. Again, I really enjoyed this article.
Jester B. San Juan wrote:
Wednesday, 16 June 2004 13:10:56 PHT
The tarsier is become one of my favorite animal because itis nice to see them living in their own captivity and natural habitat
Mauro L. Domingo, Jr. wrote:
Tuesday, 20 May 2003 23:14:39 PHT
I'm from Daly City, CA. I have pictures taken with the Tarsiers on my head and arms last March 4th, 2003. We had lunch at the Loboc river. I was an exciting experience. I love Bohol, the Chocolate Hills and old churches and, of course, the Tarsiers.
Ewa Losinska wrote:
Thursday, 27 February 2003 18:10:38 PHT
It is a great web-site. Tarsier is a sweet creature. I wish I could see it one day, but it is too far away from Poland where I live, I am afraid.
Abe wrote:
Friday, 21 February 2003 02:14:17 PHT
I visited there summer of 2002. one of the places we went to was at Loboc. We stopped by to pet the tarsiers but I have to admit the handlers there were not too carefull. They would just swing the little thing and handled it carelessly. I was kinda worried that they would break its limbs. The little creatures were really cute but a little freaky looking cause it would just stare right back at you. I think handlers for these creatures should be controlled and trained.

We think tarsiers should not be handled like that at all, and we advice everybody to withstand the temptation to visit them during a trip to Loboc, but go to Corella instead, where they are treated much better, and not handled at all.--Jeroen.

Vida Solano wrote:
Friday, 13 December 2002 11:19:38 PHT
The tarsiers were awesome, tiny creatures, cute and cool. Aren't they safe for kids to play as pet?

Tarsiers are not pets! Kids playing with tarsiers isn't nice for the tarsiers. Tarsiers kept in captivity soon die, and since it is a protected species, is also illegal. -- Jeroen.

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