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Reader Comments on 'The 100 dollar laptop and the Philippines'

Recently the head of the US based MIT Media Lab, Mr. Nicholas Negroponte presented a prototype of the 100 dollar laptop to UN Chairman Kofi Annan at the WSIS-summit in Tunis.

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Joy Belmonte wrote:
Friday, 17 February 2012 11:36:18 PHT
I want to but that mini laptop for my sonn, pls inform me how
Leah Micayabas wrote:
Thursday, 22 December 2011 04:19:40 PHT
Hi! I am freelance online writer and in dire need of a laptop for my work. But currently, because of what happened to my house and things during the catastrophe last December 17, 2011 here in Iligan City, Philippines -- where I reside -- My "one and only laptop was swept by the flash flood that attacked that dawn which taken lots of resources and lives from us. Can I be given a chance to have one of my own soon through your project? Honestly speaking, I ultimately salute your endeavor. May you continue to have the enthusiasm to help the Filipinos. We all need more like you! Mabuhay! If in case you might consider my request, please send me a message at my email stated above as soon as possible. Your approval will be a great help for me because As a single mom, it is my main income generating activity here that sustains the lives of my kids and myself. I'll be looking forward for your response. May God bless you always and more power! Best Regards! Ms. Leah L. Micayabas Iligan City, Philippines
Ariel Escamillas wrote:
Saturday, 19 September 2009 05:07:12 PHT
If it is true,well magnificent. It will helps a lot of Filipinos.
Ernest F Cacha wrote:
Friday, 27 June 2008 21:49:47 PHT
More pros than cons in this venture! Healthy for the students, less expenses for the parents, less room for corruption in the government, etc.
Raul Villalobos wrote:
Tuesday, 17 June 2008 22:12:23 PHT
Hello Please inform me immediately when this product available so that my boss in Saudi Arabia would take the exclusive agent/distributor in Saudi Arabia market. Look forward to hear from you. Sincerly, Raul Villalobos Commercial Marketing Manager email: Mobile +966506714361
Ernest F Cacha wrote:
Saturday, 14 June 2008 19:40:03 PHT
Please inform me whenever this 100 dollar laptop becomes available! Thanks...
Ferdie wrote:
Wednesday, 26 December 2007 17:49:18 PHT
A pleasant day everyone. I was just whiling away my time when i chanced upon your site. I am very pleased that a project such as yours will be undertaken here in the Philippines. I was lucky enough to have travelled around the Philippines and got a real sense of how my fellow Filipinos lived. Because of my job as a tagalog language teacher for different volunteer organizations in the Philippines i got to go to the different remote areas where they are assigned. We have a lot of talented Filipino who will surely benefit from your project. I have helped and continuosly give help to my fellow Filipinos but sometimes i feel i can only do so much. Your project will surely be of great help to them, and I just want to say MARAMING SALAMAT PO (thank you very much) for this project. Im not sure how I can be of help but if you think i can play a small part in your project to facilitate its implementation, pls feel free to contact me. Again, i just want to say MARAMING SALAMAT PO to each and everyone who is involved in this project. God Bless You All.
Richard Clint escamilla wrote:
Wednesday, 7 November 2007 20:56:59 PHT
Production has started............ Here's the link for the progress of this project.
Shammahlumba wrote:
Thursday, 19 April 2007 21:17:47 PHT
I am teacher who really wants to have a laptop for our school publication. How can I purchase one. Presently Im living in Palawan but my family soon will be visiting Bohol this 24 of April. I grow up and studied in Bohol. My cp no. is 09062175403. I will be residing in Banban, Dimaio. Please keep me updated whenever ur laptop is available.
Jes Tubay wrote:
Monday, 18 December 2006 17:55:05 PHT
This is really a breakthrough if it will happen. I am pretty much in support of this. Influential people who can make decisions about these things should take advantage of this given the fact that celphones sell like hotcakes. Laptop use should be promoted as this will be the trend in the coming years- internet in homes- work-from-home internet business, internet marketing, etc. We must look forward and plan for our children's and country's future.
Richard Clint Escamilla wrote:
Friday, 15 December 2006 16:44:58 PHT
sir, you really have great idea it could really help students especially those from the middle class and lower class...but from the way i see it most filipino public officials would only support a project if they something out of it....and since its bout election time could as well promote it now... Hope you could include our scholl as a recipient.... CVSCAFT-TCC is the name of our school it is in Tagbilaran City Bohol..its a public school....thanks and Godbless..... Richard Clint Escamilla Student
Jef wrote:
Tuesday, 5 September 2006 15:49:42 PHT
Thanks for what your doing for the Philippines. Though your foreigners, you have still stopped and helped our country. Hopefully there would be more folks like you and Joe D. I understand that Mr. Negroponte's 100 Dollar laptop might be out in a few year's time. However in the interim, what Joe D is doing in terms of donating books specially for science and math would really help the public schools. I envisioned before something like a mobile library, like a jeepney or something, that can travel town to town to bring books. If fuel would be a problem, it would be possible to bring the books to the school kids via carts and what not. It would also be nice if laboratories can also be donated, hopefully using the science books donated. Laboratories for chemistry, physics, biology and advance sciences would really be nifty. I like to understand how the Filipino's specially myself can help make this a reality. Maybe if we can have a receiving group in the Philippines, one who would setup the school, organize volunteer teachers, then the materials you'll be sending over would be usefull. Hope you can contact me and I would really like to be of help to my country and it's future scientists and mathematicians. More power to you and may your kind flourish.
Jeroen Hellingman wrote:
Monday, 24 July 2006 14:56:42 PHT
Some new development on this front from the Sun Star Cebu.
Nickie Esmero, Philippines wrote:
Tuesday, 7 March 2006 22:01:36 PHT
Jeroen, this is really a commendable plan. Your activities in helping out schools/schoolchildren is likewise admirable. Public schools & students here are really in dire need of help, especially now that budget from the government is dwindling. I have acquaintances from the public school district of Cavite here in the Philippines. I would like to help them out in providing for their schools, as I have witnessed first-hand the sad state of these institutions. I would appreciate it if you could include them as beneficiaries for your projects (including the $100 laptop). Please contact me at my email address if this is possible. Also, I hope you could likewise help me contact Joe D of Kansas City, as these schools would surely benefit from the materials that he would like to donate. More power to you and God bless....
Joe D--Kansas City, KS wrote:
Tuesday, 28 February 2006 23:53:03 PHT
I commend you for helping the children in PI. I too am doing grasroots efforts to supply books and school materials to the northern portion of the country (Laoag, Ilocos). I found your article interesting and pragmatic. I'm interested in networking with like minded individuals that share the same goals. When is the projected mass production date. If governments are not involved, will it be open to businesses and non-profit orgs? Jeroen-- I have about 500 hardcover math and science books (elementary) that is ready for shipment. I have more in the pipeline that i would like to ship to PI. I need guidance to how i can do this from donations. are there established organizations that I can contact? Regards, Joe

Hi Joe, I have no idea when the 100 dollar laptop will take-off and become available. I think we should value this project more as a proof-of-concept type of thing, and that it will point the way thing can develop in, instead of itself being the shape of things to be. I think, in not so far future, digital media will make a huge difference in the availability of education materials--it is for this reason that I'm working on Project Gutenberg of the Philippines to make free Philippine ebooks available. I am also buying whatever appropriate English language book I can lay my hands upon for school libraries in the Philippines. They can often be bought here for a 50 cents to one euro at thrift or recycle shops. Usuable books are the following:

Children's and popular science books on various subjects. I concentrate on nature, landscape, and exact sciences.

General reference works, such as dictionaries and (small) encyclopedias, aimed at children. I also pick-up whatever old issues of National Geographic Magazine I can get for 25 cents or less.

I will split them in piles by age group, and will send them to primary schools or high schools as appropriate. My shipping cost will be in the order of 100 euros per (70 x 60 x 50 cm) box. Since books are extremely heavy, I will send them with computers to keep the weight within bounds.

I don't know about the usability of school text books. I think it is best to coordinate with teachers, or even education officials, before spending money on shipment.--Jeroen.

Scott M -- Dallas TX wrote:
Monday, 27 February 2006 13:17:44 PHT shouldnt be left up to the GOVERNMENT! Light a fire in the pvt. sector to push the program...then the Gov. can step in.
joanna wrote:
Tuesday, 21 February 2006 12:08:43 PHT
i want to know the laptop recent price. plss advice us to know, thanks more power!!!
Ariel wrote:
Monday, 20 February 2006 17:30:48 PHT
I haven't seen one. Is it still available here in Manila. Thanks a lot.

It is not yet available anywhere. The machine you see is mainly a proof of concept. Mass production still has to start, and will, in first instance, be aimed at large government orders.--Jeroen

Jay wrote:
Monday, 6 February 2006 17:23:56 PHT
Ditto!!! When will it be available in the market?! Who/where are the distributors in Ortigas & Makati area?
Em wrote:
Thursday, 26 January 2006 14:43:38 PHT
When will it be available in the market?!
Me wrote:
Thursday, 5 January 2006 18:29:00 PHT

They have a color display, 1 GB of memory, a 500 MHz processor, and include Wifi (wireless LAN) connectivity and a USB port.

While everything stated above seems correct, there is one minor detail that I think was exaggerated (or overlooked) a bit. According to the FAQ at, the $100 Laptop will only have 128MB of DRAM, NOT 1GB. This should definitely be cleared out since 1GB is way greater than 128MB.

Probably the confusion arises because it uses flash memory for long term storage (no hard disk). This is distinct from DRAM.--Jeroen.

Pyth7 wrote:
Tuesday, 27 December 2005 00:17:36 PHT
Well, ito na cguro pinakahihintay ng my honey panget ko..the soon to be cheapest laptop in town (if its true)..honey ur dream will come true na soon, hehehehe..wag na ung ibm sa hrm, eto na lang..hehehe..Hope this will work, I mean connectivity in the internet..will w8 n see...
Tropicalgirl wrote:
Friday, 23 December 2005 23:00:38 PHT
I think this is a great innovation to date. Im worndering though, how about the cost of internet connectivity like Dial-up, Broadband or DSL, are these kids have an access to these for free or they have to pay monthly internect connection? Will these laptops work with new portable hard disks or the USB tiny storage devices to save some data? If there is no hard disk that comes with it, how can the kids download new programs like MS Word, Excel, etc so that they can utilize such laptop also for making school reports and term papers aside from browsing online/internet?

Since these laptops include an USB connector, you can hook them up with a whole range of devices. Since they run on Linux, a suitable driver should be available, but they often are. They will definitely not run MS Office unless Microsoft has an unexpected change of policy, however, they will include a free (and better) office suite, called

Barry Doolittle wrote:
Thursday, 15 December 2005 06:49:21 PHT
Are there any locations that will be, or are by now, selling this laptop in the Philippines? My Internet Web Design training could reach many more people if I can get a method to allow the bright but computerless college grads a place and financing to buy one. Barry Barry Doolittle, Instructor The Official Web Site for the Happy Pinoy Barya Lang Internet Family
Alexis John Nicer wrote:
Sunday, 11 December 2005 14:19:03 PHT
That's the best there is! We need cheaper computers for Filipinos who have little or no access at all to computers. Its best that they have a factory here in the Philippines to generate local employment. The Philippines is the hub of Southeast Asia for its strategic location.
Tony wrote:
Sunday, 4 December 2005 12:04:20 PHT
It is a great product, but I hope that they can have it made more upgradable in terms of CD or hard disk drive. The Philippine government MUST be able to utilized this product in order for the many Filipinos to be more adept in the IT world.

The laptop does have a USB port, which can be used to connect external drives, DVD players, etc.--Jeroen.

Patrick Wallin wrote:
Saturday, 3 December 2005 09:22:55 PHT
I have a friend in the Philippines in college. He has to rent a computer at the local cafe. This is very expensive for him with the cost of school. I help out when I can. If I could arrange for him to obtain one of these, I'm sure everyone in his class would express interest. Perhaps this could start a snowball effect for the $100.00 laptop. Would it be possible for me to obtain more information? Thank you.
Vida wrote:
Wednesday, 23 November 2005 10:15:07 PHT
I think this is a wonderful product which should be made available to people here in the Philippines. The article mentions that "the Philippine government appears not to be more involved with this development." Is there anything we, as consumers, can do to take matters into our own hands and make this available in the country?
Tonette Binsol wrote:
Sunday, 20 November 2005 09:34:20 PHT
Maybe Filipinos can do it even cheaper through hardware assembly. Filipinos have the ingenuity. Tonette B OFW from Tokyo Join the OFW Salusalo on Dec 28. More details at .

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