Friday 20 September 2024 03:03:58 PHT

Reader Comments on 'Light Earthquake Shakes Bohol'

On March 31 2005, at 8:25 PM, a magnitude 4.9 earthquake was observed in Bohol. The quake was felt throughout the province, but caused no damage or casualities.

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Guy wrote:
Tuesday, 27 September 2005 15:46:08 PHT
I have many experiences in Manila since my college and work when the strong earthquake shook Manila area. I was working in the higher building at Bel-air, Makati City. I quite worked on the web program and design in the shift night. I stared at the monitor and I feel confusing and sharing. I was scared but I didn't leave the office. Some employees ran out....I had prayed myself to God to be safing... Otherwise, I was young child studied in my elementary from my Loon place. We were the deaf pupils listened to our teacher lectured in the class. We had felt sharing in the classroom. We felt nervous to run out the garden.
Romel wrote:
Friday, 16 September 2005 06:21:12 PHT
I didn't know that there's a faultline in eastern Bohol. We're planning to visit the island next year and I hope those century-old churches in the island are not damaged.

Don't worry, the quake was slight and those churches are strong--Jeroen.

Joyax wrote:
Friday, 29 July 2005 04:17:13 PHT
I remembered it clearly too, it happened on the afternoon and we were having a nap on our bordinghouse ( Fairview D ) when it shakes !! yikes !! abi naku ug ang "new building" sa UB mahug-no..he..he..ginoo, nangig-kal bja gyud ang bakal sa "new Bldg" nga walay pagka human hangtud karun..
Agnes wrote:
Thursday, 19 May 2005 02:57:46 PHT
I experience earthquake 1990 in Luzon a lot of road are distroyed I can't travel going to my place Bohol I tranded almost one yr.
Rogelio barel wrote:
Friday, 29 April 2005 15:24:02 PHT
Me too, im working overtime at the time the quakes strike, me and our co-workers norwaegean also experince here in banilad cebu near crossing mandaue, i thoguht i was just too nervous coz i drink coffe a lot but when i stare at my monitor i feel shaking hmm, slight quake but makes me scared,huh thats normal thank to god i've didnt colapse ,
Raul Felisco wrote:
Wednesday, 13 April 2005 19:04:22 PHT
I feel quite nervous because we all know that its not the first time that we experience earthquake, last 1990 it trembles us when an intensity 7 shakes bohol esp. in our town jagna.
Arnel wrote:
Wednesday, 13 April 2005 12:23:06 PHT
Quite worried also regarding this quake. Anyway we are pushing through with our trip to bohol on April 13. I've been in bohol more than ten years ago and quite excited to be back this year.
Aileen wrote:
Tuesday, 12 April 2005 11:31:32 PHT
Yeah.. we are due for a vacation too this April at Bohol. And your post is quite scary.
Michelle wrote:
Saturday, 2 April 2005 05:55:58 PHT
Is there any cause for alarm with regards the 4.5 quake registered last March 31? My family will take a vacation in Panglao on April 10, and quite worried of your report? Scared of tsunamis! any high ground to run?

No cause for alarm. The quake was very modest at magnitude 4.9. The magnitude of scale for earthquakes is exponential. Every increase of one point on the scale of Richter actually means a 30-fold increase of the energy released. The quake that caused the tsunami in the Indian ocean was of magnitude 9.0, and thus almost a million times as powerful. We will be in Panglao in April as well, and have little concern; even in case of a tsunami, the area rises quickly to about 6-7 metres above sea level a hundred metres from the beach, and, because Bohol is surrounded by other islands, tsunamis will not hit Bohol with their full force anyway.--Jeroen.

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