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Reader Comments on 'Tips for getting cheap airline tickets'

Buying airline tickets for a good price is a kind of art, and often confuses people a lot. To get the lowest fares, you will have to know how the business works.

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david awades wrote:
Tuesday, 5 May 2009 18:35:02 PHT
Goodday,every one. If not mistakeing,presently we offer the best cheap airticket world wide.Inquire for details you will find it thanks and best regards
Jason wrote:
Monday, 22 September 2008 06:08:19 PHT
Thank you for this post! For Europe travelers, here is a helpfull website for budget flights within Europe. I hope you can use it!
Jeroen Dunnewold wrote:
Thursday, 18 January 2007 19:23:50 PHT
AT the moment (Thursday 18th of Jan) I am in the Philippines. I would like to get on Monday 22nd of January due to family circumstances. Unfortunately I have a unchangeble ticket. Can you please explain how to get that stand by ticket of 400 euro? (Kan ook in het Nederlands) Bedankt, Jeroen
Baby wrote:
Thursday, 2 March 2006 08:15:52 PHT
Thanks for the tips. I checked and their cheapest that I found was $2,300 back and forth from US to Philippines. was $1,361
Bill Gillespie wrote:
Friday, 20 January 2006 08:43:37 PHT
I heard from someone that when ur buying tickets online, you can get really good deals if you look really early in the morning, like 2-4a.m. I was wandering if this was true or not?
Niclas wrote:
Wednesday, 14 December 2005 02:49:51 PHT
I wonder if itīs possible to book one ticket in Sweden to one person who go from Philippines to Sweden and send the ticket.

Yes, this is known as a PTA-ticket. Not all agencies will be able to do this for you, but it shouldn't be too complicated. The cost is typically somewhat higher than buying a similar ticket in the Philippines directly, and considerably higher than a ticket from a Western country to the Philippines. Note that this is easiest with e-ticketing, as then no tickets have to be send (by express mail, or using a travel agent in the Philippines). In such cases a simple fax or email with details will suffice. Make sure you have the correct passport details, such as the spelling of the name, and that visa and exit requirements are met.--Jeroen.

XY wrote:
Saturday, 10 December 2005 11:27:53 PHT
I need to go from Seattle to Manila in about 2nd week of January (06), then depart from Manila to Seoul at the end of January or 1st of Febuary. Do anyone know where I could get affordable tickets for these destinations?
Abanyah wrote:
Saturday, 20 August 2005 10:27:33 PHT
To writer Cagdas: If you are from NJ, there are a lot of travel agents selling consolidator tickets to the Philippines, meaning heavily discounted airline tickets . For shopping purposes, email for rates for various travel periods.
Jella wrote:
Friday, 8 July 2005 06:26:37 PHT
Any help where I can get an affordable air-tickets to the philippines, it would be appreciated. My husband and I are planning to spend Christmas time this year to my family in Cebu. It has been a long time since I was there during Christmas. Thanks in advance
Gem wrote:
Tuesday, 14 June 2005 05:05:13 PHT
Hi, I would like to check on the rates from Manila, Philippines to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. I plan to go there by 3rd week of August. Thanks
Reina wrote:
Sunday, 15 May 2005 10:09:42 PHT
Hello, How early is too early to purchase your ticket? I'm trying to book my ticket from Seattle to Singapore in Dec (Dec 5 - Jan 8), but the fares are astronomical. Some agents tell me that it's because of the holiday season and all the seats are selling out, but some others tell me that the seats are unavailable because they have not been released by the airlines? What do you think? Should I wait for a few more months? I'm just worried that the seats truly will sell out....
Liah wrote:
Tuesday, 15 March 2005 02:37:44 PHT
Its very helpful if you know little tips like these. guess what? The tips actually work!!! I just booked a flight to Maui and saved 39% on my airfare by getting a wednesday flight with a stop-over! but I do have a question, what about people traveling in groups? How do they get the best discounts and how large do the groups have to be to get the best bargain?

Thank you. I have no experience with booking groups, as I've booked at most five people at once. Probably you should be with ten or more to be able to get something of the price. Since nowadays most agents ask booking fees, you already safe on that, but I admit that is not much.--Jeroen.

Shane wrote:
Monday, 31 January 2005 22:31:56 PHT
This article is very informative and helpful to people who love to travel...
Celeste wrote:
Saturday, 15 January 2005 20:54:57 PHT
I thought I knew better, but this was a really helpful article! Thanks!

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